10 small steps to HEALTH & WELLNESS DAILY

Setting daily goals is important to establish overall wellness. What if you could take those health goals and turn them into daily habits? How long will that take? Here are 10 steps you can take to make it happen.

Creating a new habit can take between 30 to 60 days. Implement small achievable steps. If the goal is too lofty efforts to turn them into daily rituals or routines don’t manifest with ease. Wellness means different things to different people, being healthy can mean being peaceful, serene and joyful in your thoughts and mind. How you respond to the world we live in and the life you lead is often as important or more then the event.Life can get in the way of making your health goals but good habits can also become the foundation of tackling problems.For example, moderate exercise before making decisions will increase blood flow to the brain and help to think things through optimally.

During a crisis health can slip. It can be a challenge to function day-to-day and complete tasks while going through a grieving process. Even the things we love doing can become less enjoyable or isolation can occur if the details haven’t been processed by our subconscious.Sleep is often the key health element that allows this process to occur.What if you cant sleep or eat/over eat?The learned habits and behaviours can be unlearned in the same manor or time frame mentioned above. Amazingly, the benefits of exercise can help moderate diet, induce sleep which in turn improves psychological well being.

If emotionally distressed, the heart will literally & figuratively feel the pain and respond accordingly.Life will throw curve balls, it is important to create positive habits. Turn your quest for balance and good health into straight forward measurable steps in order to become routine for yourself and for those who love you.

1. Develop Your Morning Routine

How you start your day matters tremendously. The way you greet a morning determines what mood you’ll be in that entire day. If you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, rush to get ready, eat what ever is easy and race to work, you’ll most likely feel rattled.A morning routine will help you ease into your day and start off right. A common health goal is to have more time in the mornings. Start in increments, wake up a 5 minutes earlier each day until you’re happy with the time. Begin with a gentle routine of stretching and overtime extend that to balance, yoga or light exercise of up to 30 min. If its competitive its not repetitive.If its enjoyable its maintainable.

2. Develop Your Evening Routine

An evening routine can consist of non screen reading /writing, stretching, cleaning and organising, or doing an exercise. Winding down is critical for mental health management. An evening routine can entail anything that promotes peace and serenity. If something relaxes you and gets you prepared for bed, do that. To make create a habit, set a time to stop working/ start preparing dinner/ bedtime etc. Your body’s natural circadian rhythms and core temperature need to lower to help illicit the sleep hormone production.There are many guides/modalities and tools to prepare for deep restful sleep; from meditative music, aroma therapy, showers, magnetic mattresses or light blocking masks and more.

3. Walk for Thirty Minutes a Day and Sit for less.

The vibration of your feet hitting the ground can disrupt a worried state of mind. Feeling planted on the ground can anchors your mental and emotional state.Better yet, waking barefoot to connect with a natural environment is even better.Walking a few times a day to activate your heart rate is important.Inactivity is dangerous for all ages, fitness and levels of health.A regular routine of walking will decrease stress and increase peace of mind. If on a treadmill a slight slope (3 degrees) can also be an effective method of weight loss. The more that people sit, the more disease and unhappiness they experience. Humans were meant to forage and roam for hours. Computers and technology has made sitting for long periods of time a serious detriment to health and overall wellness.

4. More Green Veggies and More Berries on Your Plate

Greens, especially dark leafy greens, have a broad array of benefits from healthier skin, vision, and energy to stronger kidneys and organs. Significant improvement in well-being when greens are part of every meal including breakfast. Fibre increases the feeling of fullness and helps in the removal of excess waste and toxins in the bowl. Start off slow by adding greens and berries to your dinner or lunch plate. Grow them if you can. There is a pride in eating what you’ve created.Dietary changes takes time, some effort and planning but if you can control what you put into mouth when you tired and hungry it shows mental strength for tackling greater life goals.

5. Use Aroma Therapy or Sound Frequencies for Stress Management

Essential oils truly aid in wellness. In times of stress or if flustered slow down and breathe diffuse some lavender oil, chamomile or eucalyptus and enjoy. This can create drastic changes to the your mental state. Aroma therapy has been used for thousands of years as tools for healing, as it can stimulate or relax by affecting brain chemistry via pheromones. Explore scents for bodily responses. Ancient civilizations, classically trained musicians and those with the gift of music know that harmony and frequencies can cause disturbances or relaxation. The study of Cymatics show that music played at 432 Hz creates beautiful symmetrical patterns as it resonates through water or a membrane covered in sand.Meanwhile 440 Hz shows very fragmented unorganized patterns in the same mediums.We are what we listen too. Be aware of the vibrational frequencies around you.

6. Engage in Nature Therapy – inhale Fresh Air Fifteen Minutes a Day

There are a variety of nature therapies you can do to lower your stress and anxiety. Trees and plants are interconnected living things that have shown to communicate with one another. Being part of nature is an interconnection with life.The oxygen rich environments promote deeper more efficient respiration. A Japanese practice called, ‘Forest Bathing’radically improved health in people.All you do is surround yourself with trees. The concept is to be free from obligations, effort, and doing. Don’t count your steps or time. Just be present, focus on your senses. It can revitalize and restore energy.

Fresh air opens the lungs, the heart and the mind. It’s a connective process with nature. Sit with eyes closed and breathe in the natures oxygen rich air. Make this a daily habit perhaps in the morning because being outside is emotionally and mentally healing. A benefit of breathing in fresh air is it sharpens your mind and restores your energy, digestive system, and improves blood flow.

7. Drink plenty of clean water

The body is composed of nearly 80% water.We are bio electrical beings and every biological process utilises water. Even slight dehydration impairs our thinking, feelings and performance. Second only to oxygen, water is our most important nutrient. Despite living on a water planet people today have a difficult time finding clean, healthy and non toxic water. Micro plastics, heavy metals and hormone altering chemicals are dumped into municipal water ways and are now found in most agriculture, food production and even breast milk. A good quality water filtration system is a must for anyone residing in a township or city today. The 8 cups a day is a misnomer, drink until you feel hydrated. Having a glass before bed may help prevent a vascular event but disrupt sleep if too much. First thing in the morning is important flush out toxins.

8. Simple Diaphragm Deep Breathing for Anxiety

Breathing technique can help with anxiety as it comes on, thus helping in cognitive functioning and keeping your thought in your cortex rather than limbic life preserving part of the brain. If you’re anxious or overly stressed all the time, your system will operate as if you’re always in fight or flight. Deep breathing slows all the systems in your body down. It clears your mind of troubled or worrisome thoughts. Inhale through your nose 5 times and exhale, making a sound as you breathe out. Repeat several times and you’ll feel much calmer.

9.10 Minutes of Stretching in Your Day

Stretching is needed to strengthen, repair, and grow muscles.Use a foam roller, or bands which can help remove adhesions, lengthen over used muscles, reduce scar tissue from injuries and increase range of motion. This allows for joints and other muscle groups to work efficiently. Before and after a work out,do a 10 minute routine right on the spot or on the living room floor before the next task. Noticeable improvements can be made to flexibility and joint function. Listen to your body, breath deep, exhale when releasing the movement.Stretching also fosters decompression and helps to release the stress of your day.

10. Take Naps

Within the last couple of years, companies have been allowed their employees to take naps in the middle of the day to restore productivity.A nap allows for hormone reset and mental fatigue to subside.Even simple mundane decisions leave biochemical waste products on a cellular level that need to be removed. Naps allow the brain the re-organize clean up the work space.Not too long,20 minutes tops otherwise night time sleep can be interrupted.

Don’t force habits

It’s OK if it takes time to for your body to adjust. The health goals above can turn into habits on the road to the healthiest version of you. Incorporating even the smallest goals and making them regular can transform your health in some way. You can pick and choose which best suit your needs. If you’ve fallen off the wellness wagon, pick one to restart. Turning health goals into habits will transform your well-being in ways you’d never imagined and you’ll feel unstoppable.Take action today.

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